Myths Regarding Tinnitus

Myths Regarding Tinnitus

Tinnitus affects a significant number of people each year. It can be a frustrating experience which can give rise to a sense of hopelessness, confusion, and anxiety, especially if incorrect information is obtained regarding its true nature. This article aims at correcting some of the commonly held mistaken beliefs about Tinnitus.

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Checking Your Hearing Abilities

Checking Your Hearing Abilities

People often have trouble admitting to having hearing impairment, especially when they are not particularly old. It is important to remember that hearing loss can occur at any age for a number of reasons, thus it is important to check your hearing periodically to ensure that you are not suffering from hearing loss so that if you are, you can rectify it in time.

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The Ideal Age for Hearing Tests

The Ideal Age for Hearing Tests

Being able to hear is one of the most fundamental abilities we rely on to function in this world. As children, we often go through screenings to check for hearing loss starting from birth right through the early school years. As we grow older, we begin to take our hearing for granted, which could be a grave error on our part.

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Getting Your Hearing Aids Fitted

Getting Your Hearing Aids Fitted

Hearing aids are useful devices that help you get back the control of your daily life by helping you understand the conversations that go on each day. Like any other electronic device, your hearing aids are prone to their own nuances and require customized fittings in order to function to the best of their ability.

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Attending College with Damaged Hearing

Attending College with Damaged Hearing

College days are one of the most memorable days of a person’s life. We make new friends and take away memories that remain with us forever. We learn interesting subjects and navigate our way through our classes and projects while learning skills that we will use all throughout our lives. All of this can become a challenge for someone with hearing loss.

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Active Ears Can Cause Sleepless Nights

Active Ears Can Cause Sleepless Nights

Have you ever noticed how sleepy you are throughout the day, while you always seem to have trouble falling asleep at night? It’s the most paradoxical thing, and yet it is a common occurrence in America. Almost 40% of Americans report having insufficient sleep, which results in massive costs in purchasing sleep aids and other sleep-related accessories each year. Lack of sleep can result in serious health problems like depression, obesity, and even cardiovascular disease.

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Hearing Aid Upgrades

Hearing Aid Upgrades

Technology is constantly changing at a rapid rate each day. This is true even for hearing aids, which utilize state-of-the-art technology to help enhance your hearing experience. We all like to upgrade to the latest model when it comes to smart phones, gadgets, and even cars, so why not hearing aids?

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A Strong Heart Means Happy Ears

A Strong Heart Means Happy Ears

Hearing loss can sometimes be an indication of an underlying cardiovascular disease. Research shows that those with a heart problem have a 54% chance of having hearing loss as well. Keeping your hearing functioning optimally can also help protect your heart, and vice versa.

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Connecting Hearing Damage to Alzheimer’s Disease

Connecting Hearing Damage to Alzheimer’s Disease

A large number of studies have shown the connection between hearing loss and dementia. Loss of hearing can hamper cognitive abilities, reported by a study conducted recently at the Johns Hopkins University. Hearing loss produces severe damage to physiological and psychological health, and it is imperative to treat it in a timely manner.

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Spreading the Word about Hearing Loss

Spreading the Word about Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is one of the rare health problems that rarely get the attention it deserves, simply because of the stigma attached to it being a geriatric problem. People with hearing loss are often either unaware or in denial about their hearing impairment and can delay getting assistance with it as a result. If you know someone with hearing loss that is reluctant to seek help, learn to spread the word about hearing loss and the usefulness of hearing aids.

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Dumbbells Have Loud Decibels!

Dumbbells Have Loud Decibels!

The current health-conscious generation is extremely serious when it comes to their exercise, which is an excellent lifestyle decision. There is no doubt that exercise leads to an enhanced physical and mental health, but people underestimate how noisy gyms can be. Prolonged exposure to loud noises may lead to hearing loss.

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A Protein That Helps You Hear

A Protein That Helps You Hear

Our hearing is a sense that we often take for granted. The noises we hear each day, be it the humming of the air conditioner or the honking of the horn, appear so natural that we cannot imagine our world without it. Did you know that our world of sound is created thanks to a single, delicate protein known as TMC1?

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Hearing Damage in Children

Hearing Damage in Children

In a surprising fact, 1 in 6 infants are born with hearing loss in the United States. This frequency increases as children grow older due to added complications such as infections, head trauma, certain types of ototoxic medications, and even exposure to unsafe levels of noise.

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Boost Your Cognitive Skills by Protecting Your Hearing

Boost Your Cognitive Skills by Protecting Your Hearing

Age has a way of slowing down all the basic processes of our body, including our cognitive skills. Over time, we face health problems such as dementia as well as Alzheimer’s disease, which can take away our sense of independence and even rob us of our precious memories. What is often ignored is the fact that hearing actually plays a huge role in maintaining our cognitive health.

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Staying Safe with your Hearing Aids

Staying Safe with your Hearing Aids

People with hearing loss often feel unsafe due to their inability to hear threatening sounds in their environment. You can easily remedy this situation by firstly getting yourself a pair of hearing aids. Additionally, you can engage in certain safety precautions as recommended below.

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Contemporary Hearing Devices

Contemporary Hearing Devices

Hearing aids have been undergoing drastic changes over the decades. Latest hearing aid technology enables your hearing instruments to automatically adjust sound settings based on the environment you are in. However, your hearing aids do not have a brain of their own so they may not always be aware of your specific wants and hearing needs at any given moment.

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Losing Your Hearing Only on One Side

Losing Your Hearing Only on One Side

Loss of hearing is a condition that can occur with varying degrees of severity and can also affect only a single ear. This may sound strange, but it is not generally an unusual occurrence. People with hearing damage in only one ear can have either regular hearing in the other or can have varying degrees of hearing loss in their other ear as well.

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Swimmer’s Ear Can be Averted

Swimmer’s Ear Can be Averted

We refer to otitis externa (swimmer’s ear) when we are talking about some sort of infection of inflammation that affects the external portion of your ear canal. It is generally caused by direct contact with bacteria that exists in polluted water or by water-logging within the ears which harbors a moist environment for germs to replicate.

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Hearing Loss Protection

Hearing Loss Protection

Hearing loss is a common health problem that affects millions of people around the world. It can be caused by many factors, such as aging, genetics, infections, diseases, injuries, or exposure to loud noise. Hearing loss can have a negative impact on your quality of life, affecting your communication, social interactions, education, work, and mental health.

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Pay Attention to How much Noise You Encounter Each Day

Pay Attention to How much Noise You Encounter Each Day

Sights and sounds are an unavoidable part of our daily life. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we are constantly bombarded with various sounds. Even while we are sleeping, our ears continue to hear sounds even when we are unaware of it. Be it your spouse’s snoring, your baby’s wailing, the telephone ringing, the fire alarm, your world is constantly on the edge because of your hearing. Until you can hear no more!

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Feedback Sounds from your Hearing Devices

Feedback Sounds from your Hearing Devices

Hearing aids are a great way to combat hearing loss; until they start whistling! That annoying buzzing sound that sometimes emits from hearing aids is a result of feedback. This feedback happens due to improperly fitted hearing aids which allow air to leak in, or because of excessive amounts of power.

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Enjoying Festivities despite Hearing Loss

Enjoying Festivities despite Hearing Loss

People with hearing loss often shy away from social gatherings and events involving large crowds. Hearing loss can be an isolating and embarrassing condition and people with hearing loss often feel uncomfortable and out of place being unable to hear what is going on and constantly having to ask others to repeat themselves. You no longer need to avoid your next family event just because of your hearing loss. Read on to see what you can do to enjoy yourself without worrying about your hearing problem.

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Advantages of Getting Hearing Aids

Advantages of Getting Hearing Aids

Hearing loss is a common problem in America. Unfortunately, only 20% of those with hearing loss wear hearing aids; this means the majority of people with hearing loss are left untreated. It can take an average American a decade before they finally seek help for their hearing loss, and lack of treatment puts them at several health risks.

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Safety in the Face of Hearing Loss

Safety in the Face of Hearing Loss

People with hearing loss are often unaware of the dangers in their surrounding environment, simply because they are unable to hear it. Be it the sound of a car stopping in your driveway in the dead of the night, or the sound of breaking glass as a burglar breaks your window pane, untreated hearing loss puts you and your loved ones at risk of terrible danger.

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Loss of Hearing Impacts Your Brain

Loss of Hearing Impacts Your Brain

Hearing loss is the third most common health condition in the United States, with 1 in 3 people affected by it between the ages of 65-74. By the time you are 75 and older, you have a 50% likelihood of having some form of hearing loss! With hearing loss increasing in such alarming numbers, it is important to learn more about how it affects us.

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Exploring the Ringing in Your Ears

Exploring the Ringing in Your Ears

Tinnitus is the medical term given to the ringing, popping, whistling, or buzzing sensation that occurs in the ears in the absence of any external stimuli. Even though tinnitus is not a serious medical condition in and of itself, it can be very annoying and can also be indicative of other underlying health problems.

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The Lifespan of Regular Hearing Devices

The Lifespan of Regular Hearing Devices

Hearing aids really do change our lives for the better, but we are often plagued with the thoughts of having them suddenly stop working. Like every other electronic device, hearing aids too are prone to the daily wear and tear of life and can sustain damage which can require repair or replacement.

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Hereditary Hearing Loss

Hereditary Hearing Loss

Research has found that there are around one hundred genes that have been linked to the development of hearing loss in its carriers. Even a simple mutation of any of these genes can trigger hearing loss. These genes are either predominantly present in newborns, or tend to develop shortly after birth.

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Batteries for Your Hearing Instruments

Batteries for Your Hearing Instruments

Hearing aids are great tools that can help you get the most out of your hearing experience. Unfortunately, they use up batteries quite quickly, especially if you use special features such as Bluetooth. Batteries play a crucial role in your hearing aid’s health, so let’s take a look at the best options available in the market for them.

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Tinnitus Can Affect Children

Tinnitus Can Affect Children

Tinnitus is known as the ringing or buzzing sensation of sound within the ears in the absence of any such sound signals in the environment. It is commonly believed to be a condition that affects adults only, but recent research indicates that 1 in every 30 children may be experiencing tinnitus that may interfere with their daily functioning.

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Threats to Hearing Aids

Threats to Hearing Aids

Hearing loss becomes a thing of the past once you get hearing aids. With proper care and precaution, your hearing aids can help improve all aspects of your life for the rest of your days. Take good care of your hearing aids so that they can take good care of your hearing needs.

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Hearing Loss Matters

Hearing Loss Matters

Hearing loss has recently been declared as “a significant public health concern” by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). This increase in awareness will help bring about changes necessary in order to effectively address the needs of those suffering from hearing loss.

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Catering to Balance Issues in the Elderly Population

Catering to Balance Issues in the Elderly Population

Hearing loss is a common problem that is faced by older adults in America. Not only is our auditory system affected by hearing loss, but damaged hearing can also adversely affect our sense of balance. This is why it is a good idea for older adults to get hearing aids to deal with hearing loss in order to avoid the risk of sustaining injuries due to falling.

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Protect Your Ears to Protect Your Hearing

Protect Your Ears to Protect Your Hearing

When it comes to preserving your hearing, prevention is always best, since there is no cure for hearing loss! Hearing aids may help you hear again, but they will not restore your hearing back to normal. This is why it is important to take auditory protection seriously so that you can avoid hearing loss later in life.

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Music to the Ears

Music to the Ears

Music can relieve the mind and soothe the senses. Nine out of ten Americans listen to music recreationally, which should tell you just how popular it is as a mode of relaxation. Music can help you forget the bad times and remember the good times.

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Enjoying Television Programs Using Hearing Aids

Enjoying Television Programs Using Hearing Aids

Hearing loss may cause you to be wary of watching your favorite television program, even with closed captioning, but thanks to hearing aids, you can now enjoy your favorite show with ease. You no longer need to constantly rely on other family members to tell you what your favorite character just said. You can use your hearing aids to get a fabulous viewing and hearing experience.

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Protecting Hearing Devices during the summer

Protecting Hearing Devices during the summer

We all look forward to the warm days of summer, with their promise of sunlit days and schedules packed with fun outdoor activities. Unfortunately, for those with hearing aids summer can be a challenging time since it increases the number of detrimental factors that can cause hearing aids to malfunction. This is why it is important to be aware and take necessary precautions to protect those handy hearing aids before going all out this summer.

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A Simple Cold May Cause Hearing Loss

A Simple Cold May Cause Hearing Loss

The American Lung Association recently reported that an average American adult gets as many as four bouts of the common cold every year. Common colds are notorious for causing congestion as well as ear infections. Repeated cases of ear infections resulting from common colds may lead to hearing loss over time.

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Hearing problems or problems with your ears?

Contact your neighborhood hearing professional for a full hearing evaluation or to discuss your hearing health and the best way to treat your hearing loss.

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