A large number of studies have shown the connection between hearing loss and dementia. Loss of hearing can hamper cognitive abilities, reported by a study conducted recently at the Johns Hopkins University. Hearing loss produces severe damage to physiological and psychological health, and it is imperative to treat it in a timely manner.
Hearing loss can place added strain on the brain as it attempts to interpret sound by reassigning brain cells to other sources. A study from the Department of Medicine at the University of Washington explored a hundred cases of those who had Alzheimer’s disease. The results reported that 83% of those who had Alzheimer’s disease also suffered from hearing loss. Furthermore, once these participants were fitted with hearing instruments, 33% were found to have decreased severity when it came to their level of dementia. This finding was supported by another study conducted at Johns Hopkins University.
It is important to be aware of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Symptoms such as constant loss of memory, losing household objects, problems completing familiar chores, feelings of time disorientation can all indicate the presence of Alzheimer’s disease. Other symptoms include shifts in personality traits, mood swings, and lack of enthusiasm.
Symptoms that are similar to Alzheimer’s can also result from other conditions like hearing loss. If you feel that a loved one is showing irritability and is having trouble remembering things, it may be that they are simply struggling to hear what is being said. Constantly straining to hear places a huge effort on the brain and can lead to exhaustion and fatigue. This fatigue may also be a cause of memory loss in hearing impaired individuals.
Due to the connection between hearing loss and Alzheimer’s, it is imperative to get your loved one tested by a hearing care professional if you suspect that they may have hearing loss. Treating hearing damage appropriately can help reduce the strain on the brain and decrease the likelihood of the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
Get a hearing test done annually to detect early signs of hearing loss and if necessary, get your loved one fitted with hearing aids to help improve their quality of life. Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative disease and has no known cure, which is why prevention is so much more important. Treat your ears with the care they deserve so that you can enjoy your life to the fullest without worrying about losing your precious memories to Alzheimer’s disease.