Tinnitus affects a significant number of people each year. It can be a frustrating experience which can give rise to a sense of hopelessness, confusion, and anxiety, especially if incorrect information is obtained regarding its true nature. This article aims at correcting some of the commonly held mistaken beliefs about Tinnitus.
The ringing, hissing, buzzing, whistling, or humming sensation that occurs in a person’s ears without the presence of any external stimuli is known as Tinnitus. The extent of Tinnitus can range from a mild ringing sensation to a severe roaring sensation. It is important to note that Tinnitus can also occur temporarily as a result of stress or fatigue, but this type of Tinnitus does not have any significant detrimental effect on people.
It is important to explore some of the common myths related to Tinnitus and gain an understanding of the reality behind these mistake beliefs.
1. Tinnitus occurs only as a result of exposure to loud music or going to loud leisure events.
It is true that Tinnitus can be caused by extended exposure to loud external stimuli, this is not the only cause for Tinnitus. There are times when Tinnitus develops for no apparent reason and is not triggered by any particular stimuli. People of any age, sex, race, or profession can become susceptible to it.
2. Tinnitus will gradually improve by itself over time.
People with Tinnitus are often embarrassed or scared to admit that they need to seek help and may come up with self-denial tactics to help avoid seeking help for their condition. Some forms of Tinnitus are caused by certain types of medication or temporary conditions like an infection and these situations can be changed and rectified, thereby removing the cause for Tinnitus. However, other more persistent causes of Tinnitus do not simply disappear and need to be treated. It is important to seek the guidance from a hearing specialist to make sure that the condition is treated in a timely manner.
3. Restricting certain food items from one’s daily diet can help cure Tinnitus.
Some may find it important to find a cure for Tinnitus through the means of nutrition and may wish to eliminate certain types of food items in order to attempt to cure their Tinnitus. However, research suggests that no particular type of food item is a causal factor for Tinnitus and thus eliminating any particular food is an unnecessary and ineffective method of curing Tinnitus. However, Tinnitus can be effectively managed by consuming a balanced diet of healthy, nutritious food items and leading an active life with sufficient exercise.
4. Tinnitus cannot be treated effectively.
With the advancements in technology, research suggests that there have been an increasing number of efficient treatment methods that can help people overcome Tinnitus. Treatment methods are custom-made for every individual client and are explored using detailed testing methods that can determine the severity level of the Tinnitus. The methods that are currently in use to treat Tinnitus address the auditory aspect as well as the underlying emotional aspects that accompany Tinnitus. Due to the multi-faceted treatment methods, current treatment solutions for Tinnitus are durable and effective.
5. Tinnitus is a disease that has no cure.
It is important to note that Tinnitus itself is not considered to be a disease, but rather it is simply a symptom of some other underlying problem. Tinnitus can result from a variety of circumstances and has multiple causes ranging from the use of certain medication to neurological damage. Untreated Tinnitus can eventually lead to anxiety, depression, stress and impairments in cognitive abilities. Luckily, Tinnitus can be successfully treated and managed effectively.