Being able to hear is one of the most fundamental abilities we rely on to function in this world. As children, we often go through screenings to check for hearing loss starting from birth right through the early school years. As we grow older, we begin to take our hearing for granted, which could be a grave error on our part.
Many people are unaware of the fundamental difference between the term hearing “test” and “screening” for hearing loss. Simply put, a screening only provides a pass or fail conclusion that indicates that there may or may not be a possibility for hearing loss. However, a hearing test is actually far more comprehensive and explores various factors apart from your hearing. You may be recommended to take a hearing test only if you end up failing the hearing screening.
Ideally speaking, as a general guideline it is recommended for people aged 18 to 50 to get their hearing screened after every 3 to 5 years. Loss of hearing is usually a gradual process but the symptoms may begin early, and early diagnosis can help prevent further deterioration.
After the age of 50, it is recommended to have a hearing screening once every year to detect any early signs of hearing loss. This is due to the fact that people over the age of 50 are more prone to suffering from age related hearing loss, the likelihood of which increases further after the age of 60.
Our hearing can only help us as much as we help preserve and protect our ears. Always use hearing protection and avoid loud noises to prevent sudden onset of hearing loss. Hearing loss is an irreversible condition, so do not take your hearing for granted and do not wait if you think that you or a loved one has hearing loss. Early treatment can help protect the remainder of your hear-ing and keep you and your loved ones safe from other health issues.