Unitron Max
Super power hearing aids that sound better from the startOptimize speech perception and environmental awareness
Unitron Max is a super-power hearing aid portfolio for individuals with severe to profound hearing loss. Max hearing aids give you the power & performance you are looking for right from your first fitting.
With this solution’s advanced features which optimize speech perception and environmental awareness, you can feel confident Max will make your life easier. Built on the Tempus platform, two models are available:
- Max SP: A Super Power BTE style with a 13 battery in a durable design
- Max UP: An UltraPower BTE style with a 675 battery designed to last and last
Hear better in conversations
Built on Unitron’s high performance Tempus™ platform, which is optimized for super power individuals, you can actively participate in conversations wherever you go. With intelligent SoundCore™ technology, the four features work together to automatically understand listening environments & make seamless adjustments.
All smiles from first fit
Super Power hearing aids are notoriously challenging to fit. That is why Max offers technology perfected for patients with severe-to-profound hearing loss. Prepare for happiness from the start.
uControl™ App
Download the uControl™ app (available for Android and Apple) to your smartphone and rate your hearing experience while you are on the go. While wearing the Max hearing aids, you can use the app to instantly share how you feel about your hearing aids with you Hearing Care Professional. No need to wait until your next appointment to share how you feel.