Open and Prepared to serve our community

We want to give our patients peace of mind knowing that dB Hearing Health & Medspa Timeless Solutions is doing everything in our power to keep you safe and healthy. In an effort to serve you during this time, dB Hearing Health & Medspa Timeless Solutions will schedule all patients with a time buffer before and after your visit. Our goal is to minimize any possibility of spreading COVID-19. This means you will be the only patient booked in the office during your appointment.

We want you to know that dB Hearing Health & Medspa Timeless Solutions values the health of our clients above all else. We are taking appropriate measures to disinfect our office and to clean surfaces thoroughly after each appointment.

COVID-19 and telehealth trends in audiology

Patients with the highest risk of infection are adults and elderly people, the same group of people that dB Hearing typically treats. Telehealth used to be about convenience and accessibility, now it's about safety first and foremost.

  • No Contact

    dB Hearing Health & Medspa Timeless Solutions of WNY, Tele-Audiology offers telehealth you never have to leave the safety and comfort of your home…

  • Home testing

    No-touch, quick and user-friendly at-home hearing assessment.

  • Minimal contact

    We also offer Curb Side service, sit in your automobile and you will be provided with clean & safe Hearing equipment

  • Curb-side testing

    Offer a low-touch, drive-through hearing assessment service

  • Traditional Testing in Office

    One person at a time, dB Hearing follows all the COVID-19 CDC guidelines. We have all had our shots.

Hearing problems or problems with your ears?

Contact your neighborhood hearing professional for a full hearing evaluation or to discuss your hearing health and the best way to treat your hearing loss.

Book Appointment Call Now! 716-633-2137